CONCEPT TOKYO .. MADE IN JAPANのジュエリーショップ modifica モディーフィカ 修飾。 美しく飾ること。 minorityでココロくすぐるジュエリー.. オリジナリティー溢れる商品を お届け致します。 25日は一点ものや蔵出し多数でお迎えいたします!! modifica. d.m.u designer Gil-d art director The work of graphic design from 1999 Since 2005, the main activity in the jewelry production I start up (def minority user) original jewelry brand dmu. Order jewelry Work of artists such as special order, from the creators of Many, I also performs as works of jewelry production cartoonist on behalf of Japan, Matsumoto Reiji, Fujio Akatsuka, Go Nagai, of Buichi Terasawa. d.m.u. (Def Minority User) made to your madness order!!!